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There are plenty of reasons to require line marking in normal business operations, anything from marking out car spaces to designating walkway areas in factories. The line marker is a versatile tool for production efficiency and safety. Take a quick look at line markers, why you might need them and how to use them correctly.
We have found in our production area that it is best to spend some time planning routes. This will help team morale and create a safe working environment
This ProSolve Linemarker paint is extremely high quality, giving you a bright, visual line that is very hard to miss. Paired with an applicator and some masking tape it is also one of the fastest ways to create routes in your production area. This allows you to get back to work quicker and restart the economy.
The bright visual line from an aerosol linemarker is extremely distinctive and gives a brighter and more visual line than other options. Tapes can be scuffed and kicked so they loose their brightness and effectiveness. Paint linemarkers do not get scuffed and they last a lot longer than alternatives. The ProSolve Linemarkers offer an extremely bright, wide and visual line that other competitors cannot compete with.
2 Wheel Line Marking Paint Applicator
6 x Yellow Line Marker Paint and 2 Wheel Applicator
If you can’t find a fix for the issue you’re experiencing or you need more advice, drop us a line and we’ll get your paint job on track.
For further information on Jotun systems or specification products and which you should be using contact us below.