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Product Ref: WO5002
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A 2K acrylic basecoat with excellent build and sandability. It is the ideal basecoat for pale coloured and bleached timbers, as it maintains the natural colour of wood.
This product chemically cures rather than air dry. We therefore recommend purchase of TH790 Hardener from the Sayerlack range to compliment this product.
Requires 2K hardener. When spraying 2K paints you must use a hardener/catalyst with the paint to activate the first coat. Not using a hardener with this product may cause issues after use. You will receive an option to purchase hardener when you add this product to basket. You can choose to add the hardener or 'X' to add to basket without hardener. Ultrimax Coatings ltd takes no responsibility for issues arising with 2K paint used without the proper hardener.
Area of use: Bleached wood, natural briars and pale-coloured timber
Method of use: Spray gun Mixing procedure: Part A: Part B (hardener):
Thinner: by weight (kg) by volume (l) TU0055/00 100 100 TH0790/00 20 20 DT1150/00 20-30 30-40
Technical characteristics
Solids content (%): 37 ± 1
Specific gravity (kg/l): 0.960 ± 0.030
Viscosity (DIN 4 at 20°C): 70 ± 5
Published: April 20, 2018
Published: June 29, 2020
Published: July 2, 2021
Published: November 9, 2021
Published: April 12, 2023
Published: April 19, 2023
Published: July 27, 2023
Published: October 24, 2023
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