Ultrimax Acid Catalysed Acid Cat Tinted Primer - 5 Litre

Product Ref: WO2124C

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£69.95 ex. VAT £83.94 inc. VATRRP: £0.00
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Product Description

 free acid cat catalyst with Ultrimax acid catalysed purchases

Ultrimax Acid Catalysed Tinted Primer

A high build, Acid Catalysed white primer. Provides a high build coating, easily sandable.

Tinted to Pastel Shades.


Chemically Cured So Use a Catalyst

Acid Catalsyed is chemcially cured rather than air dried so we recommend you also buy our Acid Catalyst with this product. When you purchase this product Ultrimax sends you a free acid catalyser product. You'll need a mix ratio of 10:1 so we'll send you a 0.5 litre of catalyst with every 5litre product you buy and 2.5litre of acid cat with every 25litre product you buy.

Mix Ratio = 10:1 (10 parts Paint/Lacquer to 1 Part Acid Catalyst)

Included with this order:

Order a 5ltr Topcoats, Primers, Lacquer. Receive a  0.5ltr Catalyst free.

Order a 25 litre Topcoats, Primers, Lacquer. Receive a  2.5ltr Catalyst free.

Technical Detail

​Technical Information


MIXING RATIO: Mix 10.1 with Acid Catalyst before

COLOUR: Tinted to Pastel Shades

GLOSS: Primer

VISCOSITY: 100 sec BS B4 @ 20°C (as supplied)

VOC CONTENT: 504 grams per litre


FLASH POINT: Below 22°C POT LIFE: 8 - 12 hours

COVERAGE: 12m2 per litre

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