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Product Ref: WO2124C
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A high build, Acid Catalysed white primer. Provides a high build coating, easily sandable.
Tinted to Pastel Shades.
Acid Catalsyed is chemcially cured rather than air dried so we recommend you also buy our Acid Catalyst with this product. When you purchase this product Ultrimax sends you a free acid catalyser product. You'll need a mix ratio of 10:1 so we'll send you a 0.5 litre of catalyst with every 5litre product you buy and 2.5litre of acid cat with every 25litre product you buy.
Mix Ratio = 10:1 (10 parts Paint/Lacquer to 1 Part Acid Catalyst)
Included with this order:
Order a 5ltr Topcoats, Primers, Lacquer. Receive a 0.5ltr Catalyst free.
Order a 25 litre Topcoats, Primers, Lacquer. Receive a 2.5ltr Catalyst free.
MIXING RATIO: Mix 10.1 with Acid Catalyst before
COLOUR: Tinted to Pastel Shades
GLOSS: Primer
VISCOSITY: 100 sec BS B4 @ 20°C (as supplied)
VOC CONTENT: 504 grams per litre
FLASH POINT: Below 22°C POT LIFE: 8 - 12 hours
COVERAGE: 12m2 per litre
Published: April 20, 2018
Published: June 29, 2020
Published: July 2, 2021
Published: November 9, 2021
Published: April 12, 2023
Published: April 19, 2023
Published: July 27, 2023
Published: October 24, 2023
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