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Like our products and service? Then why not recommend us to another company and receive a thank you voucher from us. On the day your referred company make their first purchase over £300 we'll give you £50 in Amazon vouchers 😁.
With lots of clever IT cogs and wheels turning!
Contact us with your contact email (to send your voucher too) and basic details on the company you are referring (We send the voucher code too). We'll send them an email to say you have referred them. When they make their first purchase of £300 or more our system will automatically link the purchase to your filled in form and send you £50 in Amazon Vouchers.
What You Receive - £50 in Amazon Vouchers and 500 Free UltriPoint Loyalty Points
What Your Refered Company Get - 500 Free UltriPoint Loyalty Points (redeem against vouchers and more from our Loyalty Brochure)